Daily view |
General |
Current moon phase, time of entry into the next moon phase | | |
Photographic view of the moon the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow | | |
Current sign of the zodiac (ascending/descending), time of entry into the upcomming sign | | |
Calculation of Void of course | - | |
Calculation of the rising/setting of the sun and moon for individual locations | - | |
Text about the daily quality for all 48 combinations of moon phase and zodiac sign | - | |
Browse function to quickly switch between the day views (yesterday, today, tomorrow, zodiac change) | - | |
Date selection for any day in the supported period | - | |
PDF export any day in the supported period | - | |
Quality |
Body regions (according to the zodiac) with alternative care tips and yoga exercises | | |
Information on elements (fire, earth, water, air) | - | |
Information on qualities (heat, cold, water, light) | - | |
Information on plant parts (roots, flowers, fruits, leaves) | - | |
Information on nutrition (fat/oil, carbohydrates, protein, salt) | - | |
Tips |
7 main categories (household, garden, nutrition, body care, hair care, health, DIY) | | |
More than 90 activities | | |
More than 350 helpful texts, categorized as very good, good and unsuitable | - | |
Month view / Search |
Monthly view of the moon phases and zodiac signs | | |
Exact times of the sign change and the full and new moon phase | - | |
Display of days with retrograde planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) | - | |
Search for very good, good and poorly suited days for all activities | - | |
Exporting appointments from activities to the calendar | - | |
Quick view of a calendar day | - | |
Month view as a list or in calendar grid | - | |
Export of monthly views as PDF (1 month or 1 week per sheet) | - | |
Biorhythm |
Biorhythm can be set individually for any date of birth | - | |
Create, save, edit and delete unlimited biorhythms | - | |
Comparing two biorhythms with each other | - | |
Calculation as sinusodial curves | - | |
Calculation as asymmetrical curves according to Paungger & Poppe | - | |
Additional curve: Average | - | |
Secondary curves: Spiritual, Intuition, Consciousness, Aesthetics | - | |
Export function (Android: JPG without text, iOS: PDF with text) | - | |
Moon phases |
Calculation of all moon phases (full moon, new moon, half moon) for one year (browsing per year possible) | - | |
Export of all moon phases as PDF document | - | |
Retrograde planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars |
Calculation of all phases of the retrograde planets Mercury, Venus and Mars for one year (scrolling per year possible) | - | |
Export of time periods as PDF document | - | |
General information |
Enjoy freedom from advertising | | |
Short guide and information on almost all topics | | |
Multilingualism: German and English | | |
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