Questions about biorhythms

How the biorhythm works

Primary biorhythms

Every life runs in waves like a constant interplay between day and night, summer and winter, ebb and flow. The theory of biorhythms distinguishes between three basic rhythms with the following period durations

  • Body (23 days)
  • Spirit (33 days)
  • Soul (28 days)

At the birth of every human being, these rhythms begin positively in the first phase and continue to move sinusoidally through life. After half a period length, the zero line is crossed and thus initiates the negative phase, which returns to the positive range at the end of an entire period.

All transitions between positive and negative and vice versa are critical days.

Secondary biorhythms

There are additional curves corresponding to some websites. These are called \”secondary biorhythms\” and describe the following periods:

  • Spiritual (53 days)
  • Intuition (38 days)
  • Consciousness (48 days)
  • Aesthetics (43 days)

Sinusoidal curves or asymmetrical

Sinusoidal curves

FAQ & Help - Questions about Biorhythm

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Berlin doctor Wilhelm Fliess and the Viennese psychologist Hermann Swoboda developed the physical and mental curve.
The Swiss engineer Dr. Friedrich Teltscher researched the mental biorhythm together with Prof. Rexford B. Hersey in 1928.
The founders settled on a sine wave-like rhythm.


The authors Paungger and Poppe developed the biorhythm with asymmetrical curves. These rise more slowly and only reach their maximum shortly before crossing the zero line. The curves then drop off abruptly.

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Compare biorhythms

Tapping on the icon with two people at the bottom right opens a list of all saved biorhythms.

Select the desired biorhythm to be compared with the one currently displayed.

The curves of the selected biorhythm are then drawn in dashed lines and the curve values are displayed below the curves.

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